Selling condition
These conditions of sale relate to the purchase of products made remotely by means of a telematic network via the website www.oliocavazza.it of the company Azienda agricola Novello Cavazza by Alessandra Cavazza with headquarters in via del melograno n. 35 25080 Manerba del Garda (Brescia) registered in the Brescia Register of Companies no. BS-557822 VAT number 03621760986.
The purchase operations will be governed by the provisions of Legislative Decree 206/05. By online sales contract is meant the distance contract entered into via the website www.oliocavazza.it between a supplier, Azienda Agricola Novello Cavazza, and a customer, as part of a distance selling system organized by the supplier, i.e. the legal shop dealing with movable goods and / or services, which uses the remote communication technology called internet for this contract.
These conditions of sale may be updated or modified by the Novello Cavazza farm at any time, without notice, and will be valid from the date of publication on the website www.oliocavazza.it. The customer undertakes and undertakes, whenever there is a modification of these conditions of sale, to read it and if it deems it appropriate to provide for their printing and storage. The conditions set out in this introduction are an integral and essential part of this contract.
Purchase order
1. From the general menu you can directly choose the products or the category and inside the specialty you want to order. For each product there are variants, together with photos and description
2. The price refers to the liter / kg or per piece.
3. After viewing the product, you can proceed with the order by clicking on the "ADD TO CART" icon.
4. In case you have mistakenly selected a product and would like to eliminate it, it is possible to vary the quantity of the pieces. To add or remove, use the "+" or "-" in the "QUANTITY" box. To delete the product, click the "X" button next to the quantities entered
5. It is possible to add other products to your order by clicking on the "HOME" icon or on the desired categories
6. On the same page you can decide between home delivery or collection at our shop. It is possible to change your choice even after "CHECK OUT"
7. At the end of your order click on the "CHECK OUT" button
8. On the new page, enter your personal data, address, telephone number and email.
9. It is possible to choose the shipping method and the payment method. It is possible to pay via PayPal (even for colors that do not have an account) or credit card.
10. Once the data has been filled in, you can check the information provided again and then click "SEND ORDER"
11. Upon receipt of the credit notification from our bank (normally this operation requires banks about 2/3 days) we will immediately ship the goods.
Acceptance of the conditions of sale
All contracts will be concluded directly through customer access to the website corresponding to the address www.oliocavazza.it. At this point, the customer can conclude the contract for the purchase of the desired product by carefully following the instructions and procedures provided. These conditions of sale must be examined online by the customer, before completing the purchase procedure. The submission of the order confirmation therefore implies full knowledge of the same and their full acceptance. By sending the confirmation of their purchase order electronically, the customer unconditionally accepts and undertakes to observe, in his dealings with Azienda Agricola Novello Cavazza, the conditions of sale and payment illustrated below, declaring that he has read and accepting all the information provided to him pursuant to the aforementioned rules, also acknowledging that Azienda Agricola Novello Cavazza does not consider itself bound to different conditions unless previously agreed in writing.
Sale prices and purchase methods
All the sales prices of the products displayed and indicated on the website www.oliocavazza.it for which they constitute an offer to the public pursuant to art. 1336 of the Italian Civil Code, include VAT when applicable and any other Italian tax. In case of export, the prices shown do not include any taxes or duties in the country of destination. The total cost of shipping to the customer's home will be made known to the customer before confirming the purchase. The purchase contract is perfected through the exact compilation and consent to the purchase manifested through the adhesion given online. The customer can pay for the goods ordered using the payment methods indicated online at the time of purchase. Transportation prices may vary according to the quantity, weight, size and delivery destination.
Delivery methods
The Novello Cavazza farm will arrange for the customer to deliver the products selected and ordered by courier to the address indicated by him. The purchased goods will be delivered within the terms provided for by art. 6 Legislative Decree 206/05. Home delivery, unless otherwise agreed in writing between the parties, will take place on the ground floor and during office hours: from 8.00 to 12.00 and from 14.00 to 18.00, every day, except holidays, from Monday to Friday. The customer is obliged to make himself available at the times described, in order to avoid any additional charges for non-delivery by the courier, charges that otherwise will concern the customer himself. No responsibility can be attributed to the supplier for delayed or non-delivery due to force majeure or unforeseeable circumstances. The Novello Cavazza farm is not responsible for damage caused by the carrier to the products purchased.
The customer is required to verify, upon receipt, the conformity of the product delivered with the order made; only after such verification, and obviously except for the right of withdrawal provided subsequently, the customer must sign the delivery documents. In particular, at the time of delivery of the goods, the customer must verify the integrity of the packages and the quantitative and qualitative correspondence with what is indicated in the accompanying document. In case of discrepancies, the same must be reported on the same accompanying document and confirmed, within eight days by email or registered mail, to the Novello Cavazza farm of Alessandra Cavazza with headquarters in via del melograno n. 35 25080 Manerba del Garda (Brescia). Even if the packaging is intact, the goods must be checked within eight days of receipt. Any hidden anomalies must be reported in writing by registered mail with return receipt or email to info@oliocavazza.it. Any report beyond these terms will not be taken into consideration. For each declaration, the customer assumes full responsibility for what has been declared.
Availability of products
The customer can only purchase the products currently present in the electronic catalog of the Novello Cavazza farm visible online at the address (URL) www.oliocavazza.it. If the request made through an online order exceeds the quantity available for a given item, the Novello Cavazza farm will accept the purchase limited to what is actually available in its warehouse, promptly making known to the customer (by phone or e -mail) if the missing quantities ordered will be available in the future or not.
The Novello Cavazza farm does not assume any responsibility for the disservices attributable due to force majeure such as accidents, explosions, fires, strikes and / or lockouts, earthquakes, floods and other similar events that prevented, in whole or in part, from giving execution within the times agreed to the contract. The Novello Cavazza farm will not be liable to any party or third party for damages, losses and costs incurred as a result of the failure to execute the contract for the reasons mentioned above, having the customer only entitled to a refund of the price paid.
The Novello Cavazza farm is not responsible for any fraudulent and illegal use that may be made by third parties of credit cards, checks and other means of payment, when paying for the products purchased. At no time during the purchase process, the Novello Cavazza farm is able to know the credit card number of the buyer who, via a secure connection, is sent directly to the payment service manager.
Guarantees and methods of assistance
The methods of storage and shipping are aimed at ensuring conservation over time. All our products are covered by warranty for any defect or defect inherent in the product itself, to be reported within 60 days of discovery. We will replace the product at our expense or refund the customer the amount paid, shipping costs included, in compliance with the provisions of articles 1519 quater and sexies of the civil code.
Obligations of the buyer
The customer undertakes and undertakes, once the online purchase procedure is concluded, to print and keep these conditions of sale, which, moreover, he will have already viewed and accepted before completing the purchase, as well as the specifications of the product being purchased, and this in order to fully satisfy the condition of art. 3 and 4 of Legislative Decree 206/05. It is strictly forbidden for the buyer to enter false, and / or invented, and / or invented data, in the registration procedure necessary to activate the process for the execution of this contract and the related further communications; the personal data and the e-mail must be exclusively their real personal data and not of third parties, or fantasy. The Novello Cavazza farm reserves the right to legally pursue any violation and abuse, in the interest and for the protection of all customers. The customer relieves the Novello Cavazza farm from any liability arising from the issue of incorrect tax documents due to errors relating to the data provided by the customer, the customer being solely responsible for their correct insertion.
By filling in the space provided on the website, the customer authorizes the Novello Cavazza farm to use his credit card, or other card issued to replace it, and to debit his current account in favor of the farm Novello Cavazza the total amount shown as the cost of the purchase made online. All the procedure is done through a secure connection directly connected to the company that owns and manages the online payment service, which the Novello Cavazza farm cannot access.
Contract termination and express termination clause
The Novello Cavazza farm has the right to terminate the stipulated contract by simply communicating it to the customer indicating the reason; in this case the customer will be entitled only to the refund of any sum already paid. The obligations assumed by the customer, as well as the guarantee of the successful completion of the payment that the customer makes with the authorized means, are essential, so that by express agreement, the default by the customer of only one of these obligations will determine the resolution of contract law pursuant to art. 1456 cc, without the need for a judicial decision, without prejudice to the right for the Novello Cavazza farm to take legal action for compensation for further damage.
Protection of minors
Minors under the age of 18 are not authorized, unless under the supervision of an adult family member, to transmit orders via the online order form.
Jurisdiction and jurisdiction
Any dispute relating to the application, execution, interpretation and violation of purchase contracts entered into online through the website www.oliocavazza.it is subject to Italian jurisdiction; these general conditions refer, although not expressly provided therein, to the combined provisions of Legislative Decree n. 50 of 15.1.1992 and of Legislative Decree 206/05. For any dispute between the parties regarding this contract, the Brescia Court will be competent.
The Customer Service Department guarantees complete pre and post sales assistance. Access to customer service is by telephone by dialing the following number: 0365 551012 or by sending an email to info@oliocavazza.it
Manerba del Garda March 20, 2020